7 Sessions Chakra Healing Package
With this package, you can benefit from energy healing with a focus on all 7 chakras, releasing emotional stagnation from many areas of your life.
1st Session: Focus on the Root Chakra, releasing fear and bringing feelings of peace and safety
2nd Session: Focus on the Sacral Chakra, releasing guilt and bringing feelings of joy and self-permission to be happy
3rd Session: Focus on the Solar Plexus Chakra, releasing anger and shame and bringing feelings of confidence and self-esteem to your life
4th Session: Focus on the Heart Chakra, releasing sadness, grief, and attachment and bringing feelings of self-love, self-appreciation and unconditional love for others
5th Session: Focus on the Throat Chakra, letting go of masks to please others and connecting to your truth, authenticity and spontaneous self-expression
6th Session: Focus on the Third-Eye, letting go of illusions and bringing more clarity, focus and insight to your life
7th Session: Focus on the Crown Chakra, releasing control and encouraging spiritual surrender, unity, and self-permission to infinite abundance in your life.