Cardinal Method Constellations

Family Constellations are a well-known modality created by Bert Hellinger, a German philosopher, theologist, ex-priest and therapist.

The video "3 Principles of the Soul" below explains the history and the theory behind Family Constellations in detail, so we recommend you watch it for more in-depth information.

Cardinal Method Constellations are done a present or online group session in which one person will have his or her own constellations and a group of other people will participate either by watching in silence or representing energies and people in the field.

The people who have their own constellations are the "Constelatees" and they will tell their story to the group in a safe, compassionate, trusting environment, and share what they're going through to improve their lives in one or more areas.

When the person tells his or her story to this trusting group of people, some of the ones who signed up to participate may represent in the field, and everyone will listen and tune in to what is going on in the Constellatee's life.

Inspired in psychodrama, the process happens as an emotional group healing, in which each person in a group "plays the role" of an energy or a family member, ancestor, friend, colleague, or significant other in the constellatee's story.

Cardinal Method Constellations go beyond the scope of traditional family constellations because we use Cardinal Method Crystals to create more clarity of mind, peace and awareness during the process. Crystals are tools that bring emotional stability for the participants, and provide a faster flow of information so that energetic blockages and limiting beliefs can be released more efficiently.   

Listen to the interview below and watch the videos to get a better idea of what Cardinal Method Constellations areand when you sign up for them you will start creating powerful shifts in your life. We hold these sessions every week on Saturdays and sometimes on other days of the week, and the more you participate, the better, because you'll create a constant flow of healing energy not only for yourself, but also for your loved ones, especially your children, grandchildren and descendants.

You can be sure it will be an amazing, life-changing experience that greatly contributes to your personal growth journey. It benefits will also impact those around you, because the more we work on ourselves, the more we improve the environment and the lives of the people around us. 

All the information in the videos below can on its own expand your consciousness deeply. It'll be great to see you in the Cardinal Method Constellations. We look forward to having you on this journey!

Learn More About Family Constellations

Listen to our radio interview with Rick Delgado from AllBusiness Media FM, where Paola Ranova shares the incredible results of Cardinal Method Constellations!

3 Principles of the Soul

The Power of Crystals in Family Constellations

The Benefits of Representing in Cardinal Method Constellations

The Importance of Silence After a Constellation

A Typical Constellation Theme: Conflict Between Parents and Children

The Principle of Hierarchy

Ancestral Emotional Memories Are in our DNA


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